How Long To Cook Steak At 120?

Cooking steak to perfection can be a daunting task, but with the right temperature and cooking time, you can achieve that mouthwatering, juicy texture that will leave you craving for more. In this article, we will explore the perfect cooking time for a steak cooked at 120 degrees Fahrenheit, giving you the key to a tender and flavorful dining experience. So, whether you’re a steak enthusiast or just looking to impress your guests with a delicious meal, get ready to discover the secrets to cooking steak at an ideal temperature of 120.


Choosing the steak

When it comes to choosing the perfect steak, you have a few options. You can opt for a ribeye, New York strip, filet mignon, or even a sirloin steak. Each cut has its own unique flavor and texture, so it’s important to consider your personal preference. Look for steaks that have good marbling, as this will enhance the tenderness and juiciness of the meat.

Seasoning the steak

Seasoning your steak is an essential step to enhance its flavor. You can keep it simple with just salt and pepper or get creative with various spices and herbs. A classic steak seasoning includes salt, black pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder. You can also add herbs like rosemary or thyme for an extra touch of flavor. Make sure to season both sides of the steak evenly and let it sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes to allow the flavors to penetrate the meat.

Cooking Method

Sous Vide

Sous Vide cooking has gained popularity in recent years for its ability to create perfectly cooked steaks. This method involves gently cooking the steak in a water bath at a controlled temperature. By cooking the steak at a lower temperature for a longer period of time, you can achieve the desired level of doneness consistently throughout the meat. The result is a tender and juicy steak with optimal flavors.

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If you prefer a more traditional cooking method, the oven is a great option. Oven cooking allows for a quick sear on the stovetop and then finishing the steak in the oven, which ensures even heat distribution. This method is best for thicker cuts of steak and is perfect for achieving a beautiful crust on the outside while maintaining a juicy interior.

Sous Vide Cooking

Setting up the water bath

To get started with sous vide cooking, you’ll need to set up a water bath. Fill a large container or a sous vide machine with water and set the temperature according to your desired doneness. For a medium-rare steak, set the temperature to 130°F (54°C). The water bath should be deep enough to fully submerge the steak.

Preparing the steak

Before placing the steak in the water bath, pat it dry with a paper towel. This helps to remove any excess moisture, which can affect the cooking process. You can also brush the steak with a small amount of oil to promote browning during the final step.

Placing the steak in a bag

Place the seasoned steak in a vacuum-sealed bag or a high-quality resealable freezer bag. You want to ensure that the bag is airtight to prevent any water from getting in. If using a resealable bag, try the water displacement method by partially sealing the bag and then submerging it in the water, allowing the pressure to force the air out.

Cooking the steak

Lower the bagged steak into the water bath, making sure it is fully submerged. Cook the steak at 130°F (54°C) for about 1.5 to 2 hours for a medium-rare doneness. If you prefer a different level of doneness, simply adjust the cooking time accordingly.

Finishing the steak

Once the steak has finished cooking, remove it from the bag and pat it dry. Heat a skillet over high heat and add a small amount of oil. Sear the steak for about 1 minute on each side until a golden crust forms. This step adds a delicious caramelization to the steak and enhances the overall flavor. Let the steak rest for a few minutes before slicing to allow the juices to redistribute.

Oven Cooking

Preheating the oven

To start, preheat your oven to 425°F (218°C). This ensures that the oven is at the optimal temperature for cooking the steak.

Preparing the steak

Similarly to the previous method, make sure to pat the steak dry with a paper towel to remove any excess moisture. Season the steak with your desired seasonings. You can brush the steak with a small amount of oil to help with the browning process.

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Cooking the steak

Heat a skillet over high heat and add a small amount of oil. Sear the steak for about 2 minutes on each side until a brown crust forms. This step locks in the juices and adds a delicious flavor. Transfer the steak to a baking sheet and place it in the preheated oven. Cook the steak for about 6-8 minutes for medium-rare, or adjust the cooking time according to your preferred level of doneness.

Factors Affecting Cooking Time

Thickness of the steak

The thickness of the steak plays a significant role in determining the cooking time. Thicker steaks will require longer cooking times to ensure they are cooked to the desired doneness. Conversely, thinner steaks will cook more quickly. It’s important to keep this in mind and adjust the cooking time accordingly.

Type of steak

Different types of steaks may have slightly different cooking times due to variations in size, thickness, and fat content. For example, a thick ribeye steak will take longer to cook than a thin filet mignon. Familiarize yourself with the specific characteristics of the steak you are preparing to ensure you achieve the best results.

Level of doneness

The level of doneness you prefer will also impact the cooking time. A rare steak will cook more quickly than a medium-rare or well-done steak. It’s important to monitor the cooking time and use a thermometer to check the internal temperature to ensure your steak is cooked to perfection.

Thermometer Usage

Importance of using a thermometer

Using a thermometer is crucial to achieving the perfect level of doneness for your steak. It allows you to accurately measure the internal temperature, ensuring that your steak is cooked to your preference. This eliminates the risk of undercooking or overcooking the steak, resulting in a consistently delicious outcome.

Recommended internal temperatures

For a medium-rare steak, the recommended internal temperature is 130°F (54°C). Keep in mind that the temperature will rise a few degrees during the resting period. For a medium steak, aim for an internal temperature of around 135°F (57°C), while a well-done steak typically reaches an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C). Adjust these temperatures based on your personal preference.

Resting and Slicing

Resting the steak

After cooking, it’s crucial to let your steak rest before slicing. This allows the juices to redistribute, resulting in a juicier and more flavorful steak. Tent the steak loosely with aluminum foil and let it rest for about 5-10 minutes. This will ensure that the steak retains its moisture and tenderness when it’s time to slice.

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Slicing the steak

When it comes to slicing your steak, it’s best to cut against the grain. This means cutting perpendicular to the muscle fibers. This helps to break up the muscle fibers and makes for a more tender and enjoyable eating experience. Use a sharp knife and slice the steak into thin, even pieces to showcase its juicy and flavorful qualities.

Serving and Accompaniments

Serving suggestions

Now that your perfectly cooked steak is ready, it’s time to serve it up! You can enjoy it as the main star of your meal or incorporate it into various delicious dishes. Serve the steak alongside sautéed vegetables, a side of mashed potatoes, or a fresh green salad. For an extra touch, drizzle some homemade steak sauce or compound butter over the top to elevate the flavors even more.

Recommended side dishes

When it comes to choosing the perfect side dishes to accompany your steak, the options are endless. Consider serving it with creamy mac and cheese, roasted garlic butter mushrooms, or a classic Caesar salad. The key is to choose dishes that complement the flavors of the steak and enhance the overall dining experience.

Tips and Tricks

Marinating the steak

If you want to infuse your steak with even more flavors, consider marinating it before cooking. A simple marinade consisting of olive oil, garlic, soy sauce, and Worcestershire sauce can work wonders. Allow the steak to marinate for at least 30 minutes or up to 24 hours for maximum flavor penetration.

Tenting the steak

To keep your steak warm while it rests, you can tent it loosely with aluminum foil. This helps to retain the heat and ensures that the steak stays juicy and delicious. Be careful not to seal the foil tightly around the steak, as this can cause the heat to build up and overcook the meat.

Various seasoning options

While salt and pepper are classic choices for seasoning a steak, don’t be afraid to get creative with your seasonings. Experiment with different spice blends, herb combinations, or even a sprinkle of smoked paprika or chili powder. The key is to find flavors that complement the natural richness of the steak and enhance its overall taste.


Cooking a steak to perfection involves a combination of choosing the right cut, seasoning it well, and employing the right cooking method. Whether you opt for sous vide or oven cooking, the key is to ensure that the steak reaches your desired level of doneness. Using a thermometer to check the internal temperature will allow you to achieve consistent results every time. Remember to let your steak rest before slicing and consider serving it with delicious accompaniments to complete the meal. With these tips and tricks in mind, you can confidently cook a steak that is tender, juicy, and bursting with flavor. So go ahead, fire up the grill or preheat the oven, and savor every delicious bite of your perfectly cooked steak.