Garlic Butter Roasted Potatoes Recipe

Are you ready to tantalize your taste buds with the savory and mouthwatering flavors of Garlic Butter Roasted Potatoes? This simple yet indulgent dish will leave you craving for more with its perfectly crispy exterior and tender, melt-in-your-mouth interior. The magical combination of garlic and butter adds a rich and fragrant twist to these golden brown potatoes, making them the ultimate crowd-pleaser for any occasion. Whether you’re preparing a family dinner or hosting a gathering with friends, these Garlic Butter Roasted Potatoes are sure to be a hit. Get ready to indulge in a culinary delight that will have everyone asking for the recipe!


  • Potatoes
  • Garlic
  • Butter
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Fresh herbs (optional)


Preheat the oven

Before starting the preparation process, preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C). This will ensure that your garlic butter roasted potatoes cook evenly and have a crispy texture.

Prepare the potatoes

Start by washing and scrubbing the potatoes thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris. You can leave the skin on for added texture and flavor. Afterward, pat the potatoes dry with a paper towel.

Melt the butter

In a small saucepan or in the microwave, melt the butter until it becomes a liquid. This will help in evenly coating the potatoes and infusing them with the rich and creamy flavor of butter.

Combine the ingredients

In a large bowl, combine the melted butter, olive oil, minced garlic, salt, and black pepper. Mix them together until they are well combined and the flavors are evenly distributed.

Coat the potatoes

Cut the potatoes into bite-sized pieces or wedges, depending on your preference. Add the potatoes to the bowl with the garlic butter mixture. Toss the potatoes gently, ensuring that each piece is coated with the mixture.

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Roast the potatoes

Place the coated potatoes in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. This will prevent the potatoes from sticking and help with easy cleanup. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven.

Flip the potatoes

After about 20 minutes of roasting, take out the baking sheet and use a spatula or tongs to flip the potatoes over. This will ensure that they brown evenly on all sides and have a crispy exterior.

Roast for additional time

Place the baking sheet back in the oven and continue roasting for another 15-20 minutes, or until the potatoes are golden brown and tender when pierced with a fork. Keep an eye on them to prevent burning.

Garnish with fresh herbs

If desired, you can garnish the garlic butter roasted potatoes with fresh herbs, such as parsley or dill, to add a pop of color and freshness. Simply sprinkle the herbs over the potatoes before serving.

Garlic Butter Roasted Potatoes Recipe



Cheesy garlic butter roasted potatoes

For those who love a little extra indulgence, try making cheesy garlic butter roasted potatoes. Simply sprinkle shredded cheese, such as cheddar or Parmesan, over the potatoes during the last 5 minutes of roasting. The cheese will melt and create a deliciously cheesy crust on top of the potatoes.

Spicy garlic butter roasted potatoes

Add some heat to your garlic butter roasted potatoes by incorporating spices such as cayenne pepper, paprika, or chili powder into the butter mixture. Adjust the amount of spice according to your preference, and roast as usual. These spicy potatoes are perfect for those who enjoy a little kick in their dish.

Parmesan garlic butter roasted potatoes

If you’re a fan of the classic combination of garlic and Parmesan, then you’ll love Parmesan garlic butter roasted potatoes. Simply add grated or shredded Parmesan cheese to the garlic butter mixture before tossing the potatoes. Roast as usual, and the cheese will melt and create a flavorful, cheesy coating on the potatoes.

Rosemary garlic butter roasted potatoes

For a fragrant and earthy twist, try making rosemary garlic butter roasted potatoes. Simply chop fresh rosemary leaves and add them to the garlic butter mixture before tossing the potatoes. The aroma of rosemary will infuse the potatoes as they roast, creating a delightful flavor combination.

Also Read About:  How Do I Select, Peel, And Cook Different Types Of Potatoes?

Tips for Success

Choosing the right type of potatoes

When making garlic butter roasted potatoes, it’s important to choose the right type of potatoes. Opt for potatoes that have a waxy texture, such as Yukon Gold or Red Bliss, as they hold their shape well during cooking. Avoid using starchy potatoes like Russets, as they tend to break apart easily.

Cutting the potatoes evenly

To ensure that the potatoes cook evenly and have a consistent texture, it’s crucial to cut them into even-sized pieces. This will ensure that all the potatoes cook at the same rate and no pieces end up overcooked or undercooked. Aim for bite-sized pieces or uniform wedges, depending on your preference.

Adjusting cooking time

The cooking time may vary depending on the size and thickness of the potato pieces. Keep an eye on the potatoes as they roast and adjust the cooking time accordingly. If the potatoes are browning too quickly, reduce the oven temperature slightly. If they’re not browning enough, increase the temperature or roast them for a few extra minutes.

Using fresh garlic

While it may be tempting to reach for the pre-minced garlic in a jar, using fresh garlic will elevate the flavors of your garlic butter roasted potatoes. Mince fresh garlic cloves using a knife or a garlic press for the best results. The aroma and taste of fresh garlic will shine through in the final dish.

Adding different seasonings

Don’t be afraid to tailor the seasonings to your taste preferences. Feel free to experiment with other herbs and spices to create your own unique flavor profile. Some popular additions include paprika, thyme, dried oregano, or even a sprinkle of lemon zest for a citrusy zing.

Garlic Butter Roasted Potatoes

Serving suggestions

As a side dish

Garlic butter roasted potatoes make a fantastic side dish for a wide range of meals. Serve them alongside roasted chicken, grilled steak, or even a vegetarian main course. Their crispy exterior and creamy interior make them the perfect accompaniment to any meal.

With grilled meats

Pair your garlic butter roasted potatoes with grilled meats for a complete and satisfying meal. The flavors of the roasted potatoes complement juicy steaks, tender pork chops, or flavorful sausages. The combination of the smoky grilled meat and the creamy potatoes is unbeatable.

In salads

Take your salads to the next level by adding some garlic butter roasted potatoes. Simply chop the cooled roasted potatoes into bite-sized pieces and toss them into a salad along with your favorite greens, vegetables, and dressings. The potatoes add a deliciously crispy and creamy element to any salad.

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With dip or sauce

Garlic butter roasted potatoes are equally delicious on their own or paired with a dip or sauce. Serve them with a tangy garlic aioli, creamy ranch dressing, or spicy ketchup for an extra burst of flavor. The combination of the crispy potatoes and the creamy dip is sure to be a crowd-pleaser.


Can I use other types of potatoes?

While the recipe calls for waxy potatoes like Yukon Gold or Red Bliss, you can certainly experiment with other types of potatoes. Just keep in mind that starchy potatoes, like Russets, may have a different texture and tend to break apart more easily. Adjust the cooking time accordingly if using different types of potatoes.

Can I make this recipe ahead of time?

Ideally, garlic butter roasted potatoes are best enjoyed immediately after roasting when they’re still hot and crispy. However, you can make them ahead of time and reheat them in the oven for a few minutes before serving. This will help revive the crispy texture of the potatoes.

Can I use dried herbs instead of fresh?

While fresh herbs provide a vibrant flavor and aroma, you can substitute dried herbs if you don’t have fresh ones on hand. Keep in mind that dried herbs are more concentrated in flavor, so use them sparingly. Start with about half the amount of dried herbs and adjust to taste.

What can I serve with garlic butter roasted potatoes?

Garlic butter roasted potatoes are incredibly versatile and can be served as a side dish with a wide variety of meals. They pair well with roasted or grilled meats, seafood, or even as part of a vegetarian or vegan meal. They are also delicious alongside a simple green salad or as part of a buffet spread.

Can I use margarine instead of butter?

While margarine can be used as a substitute for butter in this recipe, keep in mind that the flavor and texture may vary slightly. Butter provides a rich and creamy taste, whereas margarine may have a different flavor profile. If using margarine, opt for one that is specifically formulated for baking or cooking to ensure the best results.

Garlic Butter Roasted Potatoes


Garlic butter roasted potatoes are a simple and delicious side dish that can elevate any meal. With their crispy exterior, creamy interior, and flavorful garlic butter coating, these potatoes are sure to please even the pickiest eaters. Whether you’re serving them as a side dish, pairing them with grilled meats, or adding them to salads, they are a versatile and comforting addition to any menu. Get creative with different variations and seasonings to make these potatoes your own signature dish. So next time you’re in the mood for a flavorful side dish, reach for some potatoes, garlic, butter, and herbs, and create a batch of mouthwatering garlic butter roasted potatoes.